Samier Kamar
Samier Kamar
Dr. Samier Kamar is currently a practicing pharmacist and a recent Doctor of Pharmacy graduate from the University of Toronto. Samier is a Peterborough native who attained top grades in high school, university and received a scholarship for achieving top 3 admission averages throughout his time at U of T.
Some of his many accomplishments are:
Co-founding a club called Healthcare Toastmasters, with a goal of teaching effective communication to all involved in caring for patients.
Clinic Operations Executive at IMAGINE, which aimed to provide free healthcare to the marginalized in downtown Toronto.
He has spent time at Toronto General Emergency Department and Outpatient Dialysis Clinic, PRHC in various departments and at a methadone clinic.
Samier is often asked to lecture, evaluate and work with various government organizations including the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care.
He is currently the pharmacy manager at Guardian Centennial Pharmacy in Norwood and hopes to take over the reigns at the Peterborough Pharmacy once his father retires.